Five years of work experience in two companies
佳智制衣厂 (2008-10 ~ 2011-11)
Company: private corporation Sector:textile and clothing
Position: Senior Merchandiser Properties:Hong Kong enterprise(2000+staffs)
富美制衣厂 (2006-07 ~ 2008-10)
Company: private corporation Sector:textile and clothing
Position: Merchandiser Properties:Hong Kong enterprise(1000+staffs)
Position Description:
-The factory mainly produce high-class business suit, business pants, woven jackets, and jeans
-To communicate efficiently with departments in Hong Kong and enforce decisions with departments such as Housing and Property Division, Dvision of Clothing Pattern, Marker Division, IE Division, washing room, QC department, Packaging Division, Shipping Department.
-To translate paper into English for clients, assign workload to co-workers, enforce efficiency in making samples, mail samples to client, read over client's comments carefully, meet with the sample division for specific changes from client's comments, re-proofing the samples before sending them to the client.
-After the client booked a mass order with the satisfied samples, I will consider and measure the needed raw materials for the amount of order. Then, I will communicate with the factories and buy the needed amount of material in a timely fashion.
My Clients:
-Very familiar with the job of merchandiser due to years of experiences and professional knowledge in this sector
-Very familiar with the work processes of woven garments, distributing process, and clothing technology (washing / printing / embroidery / dye / rugby...)
-Have a high capability with pressure and experience with group project. I have achieved a good result managing my team, 4 workers, while working as senior merchandiser in the previous textile company
I suggest that you use bullet points (项目符号点) to make this resume clearer.
feel free to ask for any change ^_^
May I ask who is this for? a Chinese company or a Foreign company?
有重复的删去了一部分,我建议你去google上查一下,输入英文出来相关,可能 看到就知道中文怎么说了,我的可能不太确切,或许你专业啊。
Dresses 女装
Tops 上衣
Polos 带领衬衫
T-Shirts T恤衫
Sweatshirts & Hoodies 运动衫&连帽外套
Cardigans & Shrugs 羊毛衫&小坎
Tunics 紧身短上衣
Tank Tops 吊带背心
Shirts & Blouses 女衬衫
Classic Shirts 传统衬衫(外套西装)
Casual Shirts 休闲衬衫
Blouses 衬衫
Knitwear 毛衫
V Necks V领衫
Crew Necks 圆领衫
Turtlenecks 高领衫
Dresses 连衣裙
Vests & Sleeveless 马甲&无袖T恤
Fair Isle Knits 颜色鲜明的针织品
Jackets & Coats 夹克&外套
Blazers 运动夹克
Jackets 夹克衫
Leather & Leather Like 皮革
Track Jackets & Hoodies 运动夹克&连帽外套
Vests 马甲
Trench Coats 双排扣外套
Coats 外套
Puffers 风衣
Jeans 牛仔裤
Pants 休闲裤
Skirts 女裙
Shorts 短裤
Shoes 鞋
Plimsolls 橡胶底帆布鞋
Flats 平跟鞋
Heels 高跟鞋
Trainers 运动鞋
Boots 马靴
Leather 皮鞋
Sandals 凉鞋或拖鞋
Socks & Legwear 袜子&长筒袜
Leggings 打底裤
Tights 紧身裤
Bags 箱包
Purses 钱包
Handbags 手提包
Shoulder Bags 单肩包
Backpacks 背包
Accessories 饰品
Hats 圆顶帽
Scarves 围巾
Belts 腰带
Mirror 镜子
Jewellery 珠宝
Bracelets 手链
Necklaces 项链
Earrings 耳环
Rings 戒指
Keychains 钥匙链
Hair Accessories 头饰
Undershirts 贴身内衣
Dress Shirts 衬衫(配西装)
Oxford Shirts 牛津布衬衫
Casual 休闲服
Plaid Button Downs 格子衬衫
Knitwear 针织品
Cuff Studs 袖钉
Boat Shoes 板鞋
Smart Shoes 运动鞋
Casual Shoes 休闲鞋
Ties 领带
半导体器械厂 Semi-Conductor Apparatus Plant
包装材料厂 Packaging Materials Plant
保温瓶厂 Thermos Flask Factory
炼钢厂 Steel Works
被单厂 Bed sheet Factory
变压器厂 Transformer factory
玻璃制品厂 Glassware Factory
茶厂 Tea Processing Factory
柴油机厂 Diesel Engine Plant
车辆制造厂 Railway Car Plant
船舶修造厂 Ship Repair Yard
灯具厂 Lighting Equipment Factory
低压开关厂 Low-Voltage Switch Factory
汽车制造厂 Automobile Works
发电厂 Power Plant
电动工具厂 Electric Tool Works
电机厂 Electrical Machinery Plant
电讯器材厂 Telecommunication Apparatus Factory
电子管厂 Electronic Tube Factory
电子设备厂 Electronic Equipment Factory
铸造厂 Foundry Works
纺织机械厂 Textile Machinery Plant
服装厂 Garment Factory
皮革制品厂 Leather Goods Factory
罐头食品厂 Canned Food Plant
光学仪器厂 Optical Instrument Factory
广播器材厂 Broadcasting Equipment Factory
锅炉厂 Boiler Factory
化肥厂 Chemical Fertilizer Plant
化工厂 Chemical Works
化学纤维厂 Chemical Fiber Plant
化妆品厂 Cosmetics Plant
机床厂 Machine Tools Plant
机械修理厂 Machine Repair Plant
建筑机械厂 Construction Machinery Plant
金属工艺制品厂 Metal Handicraft Plant
晶体管厂 Transistor Factory
木材厂 Timber Mill
家具厂 Furniture Factory
农药厂 Insecticide Factory
啤酒厂 Beer Brewery
汽车修配厂 Motor-Car Repair and Assembly Plant
人造纤维厂 Artificial Fiber Plant
乳品加工厂 Milk Processing Plant
石油化工机械厂 Petro-Chemical Machinery Plant
水泥厂 Cement Plant
塑料厂 Plastics Plant
搪瓷厂 Enamel Plant
陶瓷厂 Pottery and porcelain Factory
通用机械厂 General Machinery Plant
玩具厂 Toy Factory
无线电器材厂 Radio Appliances Factory
五金厂 Hardware Factory
橡胶厂 Rubber Plant
制药厂 Pharmaceutical Factory
羊毛衫厂 Woolen Sweater Mill
针织厂 Knitwear Mill
冶炼厂 Metallurgical Plant
医疗器械厂 Medical Apparatus Factory
仪表厂 Instrument and Meters Factory
饮料厂 Soft Drinks Plant
印染厂 Printing and Dyeing Mill
油漆厂 Paint Factory
吉尔?桑德(Jil Sander) ,尼科尔?法伊(Nicole Farhi),AZONA阿桑娜,GLORIA
“歌莉娅”, LRG(lifted research group), G.L.P(Gothic Lolita Punk), Viviennewestwood, Burberry(巴宝丽、帛柏莉) ,Fendi蓝色情人 ,欧时力ochirly ,Prada普拉达, S?DEER
圣迪奥 ,H&M,, zara, 零点LINDI, 佐丹奴(Giordano),(JOEIONE)九牧王, 马斯菲尔(masfer) ,only,Hopshow(红袖女装), 夏奈尔(Chanel) ,克瑞斯汀 迪奥(Christian Dior) ,纪梵希(Givenchy) ,瓦伦蒂诺(Valentino) ,范思哲(Versace), 乔治 阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani) ,三宅一生(Lssey Miyake) ,高田贤三(Kenzo) , 唐娜 卡伦(Donna Karan) , 发涵诗(FLRS), 古奇(Gucci) ,切瑞蒂(Cerruti) ,卡尔文 克莱恩(Calvin Klein) ,杰尼亚(Zegna), 美特斯邦威(Metersbonwe), 耐克(nike),纽巴伦(new banlence), 美津浓(MIZUNO),迪亚多纳(DLADORA),